Posted by Thomas Fri, 21 Dec 2007 02:45:20 +0000
After a four month hiatus, the photoblog’s been updated. A new pic is up now, and it’s on autopilot through 1/7. Enjoy. Apologies to the Markhams for not posting pictures of the baby sooner… :)
Posted by Thomas Fri, 21 Dec 2007 02:45:20 +0000
After a four month hiatus, the photoblog’s been updated. A new pic is up now, and it’s on autopilot through 1/7. Enjoy. Apologies to the Markhams for not posting pictures of the baby sooner… :)
Posted by Thomas Thu, 20 Dec 2007 23:57:33 +0000
Leaving for Canyon in the morning (bright and early at 7:30 am). Should be there around 11am. I still haven’t packed or know if I still have laundry to do. Could be a short night. I’m going to try to procrastinate doing laundry as much as possible by organizing and posting photos. :)
I was trying to remember all the movies I’ve watching that I haven’t posted about. I thought there were more, but I can’t remember any more. I have a couple of oldies sitting by the tv I really need to watch, but spend most of my free tv time trying to get through JAG.
Man, I have too many movies to watch still…
Posted by Thomas Sun, 16 Dec 2007 23:42:33 +0000
I liked it better when it was called Children of Men/Mummy/Signs. Would not consider it deserving of its current IMDb rating of 7.9…
Posted by Thomas Sun, 16 Dec 2007 18:11:22 +0000
I’m totally posting this to make sure I have a post in December. :)