New lamps

Posted by Thomas Sun, 25 Sep 2005 00:43:25 +0000

I guess that I will make this one and the same post with the photoblog.

I meant to go to Wal-Mart to find some cheap 1GB compact flash cards, so that I could have one before I leave on Monday. But the ones that they had were around $80, which was more that I was planning on spending, so I roamed around a little. I guess that they put the electronics in the back of the store for the same reason that grocers put the milk and eggs in the back of the grocery store. So, I had to walk by the lamp section. Which I had walked by before but had resisted the impluse to buy better lighting for my apartment. So, weak willed as I am, I bought two. Up until today, neither the living room nor my bedroom had lighting. The dining room and kitchen have some, so that has sufficed for the other rooms at night. Well, that and the closet light. So, I bought some light bulbs only to realize when I came home that the lamps were the three-way kind, and I had only bought regular 60w ones. Oh well, better luck next time. I did splurge on an extension cord, as I didn’t yet know where I was going to put them. I think that I overspent when I paid 77 cents for one. :) So, now I’ve got a little better lighting for myself and I have use for the lightswitches that only go to plugs on the wall. And, unfortunately, it looks like Fry’s doesn’t have much better of a price than Wally World, so I’ll probably just have to go back and deal with the incompetance that is customer service in the United States to try and get them to sell me my compact flash, instead of spending the time and gas to actually find and get to the Fry’s that I don’t even know where it is in Atlanta, only to save myself like $10.

Looks like I need to clean up the apt a bit.

Posted in General | 1 Comment


  1. KB said on September 25, 2005 @ 7:29 pm:

    How about a photo of the lamps all set up?? :)

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