Bow tie

Posted by Thomas Mon, 22 May 2006 01:42:13 +0000

While killing some time before the 5:05 showing of “Scary Movie 4″ (which was the best that I could find to watch, bad I know, right?), I went on a search for a self-tie bow-tie at the mall. I stopped by one rental place first, which didn’t have any of them in stock, but did recommend that I stop by another rental place in the mall. So, somewhat discouraged that this process was going to consist of a little more effort than originally planned, I went in search of the second tux rental place. Upon finding a directory and then realizing that I had already passed the place, I stepped inside with my drink (I was very concious of the fact that they most likely didn’t want me in a store with a cup in my hand, but it didn’t stop me). At first I wasn’t sure who were customers and who were salespeople, but I inquired if they had any “real” bow-ties. The young lady said that they did and managed to find a couple quickly. Anyhoo, long story shorter, I am now the proud owner of a black, silk self-tie bow-tie. I finally figured out how to tie it and managed to tie it twice. Look for it next time I’m in a tux.

My friends’ blogosphere is rather bleak. Anyone else out there posting for the summer, or have the lives of everyone become lackluster and boring with the onset of summer?

Speaking of summer, today I have been craving a couple of things: 1) is beach volleyball with the Trinkas, et. al. several summers ago and late night romps to Sonic for drinks and 2) is a hammock. I keep telling myself that I want one and that I’ll run to Wal-Mart to buy a cheap one. But I am plagued with exactly where I would put it, as I don’t want to drill into my balcony (come to think of it, I don’t even have a drill), nor do I want a free-standing one that could theoretically be stole. Granted I am on the second floor, I wouldn’t put it past people.

I think that I’ve missed my first wedding of this summer, yesterday, with Sommer’s. At least I think that it was yesterday. I know that I missed several last summer, and I’ll miss many this summer, and most likely I’ll devote a post to that end sometime soon.

Now I should go to bed, but I don’t want to and I’m not that tired, so I’ll go toss and turn for a while…

Make me happy and post to your blog about your summer plans. :)

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