The tip of your brain

Posted by Thomas Tue, 06 Jun 2006 01:04:45 +0000

Don’t you hate it when you have something on the tip of your brain, but you can’t quite make it materialize? Like something you were supposed to remember, like something that you were supposed to do. Most likely something that I was supposed to remember to do.

I need to remember to get a tech talk going at work, try to remember a friend’s birthday, try to remember to call a friend or two, try to remember that I’m travelling three times in the next month, try to remember when I’m travelling, try to remember to get up on time on those early days, try to remember that it would be a good idea to put my car in the shop while I’m gone, and try to remember to pay my sister, trying to remember that if I don’t get 4 AA batteries, my calculator will die, try to remember that I also need batteries for my alarm clock and my atomic clock (batteries which I’ve needed for literally weeks).

I know, I know. I should make a list. But not making a list and writing about it on your blog is so much more fun.

Well, I think that’s everything. I’ve just had to re-write this post from memory, which really made me mad. Why doesn’t have WordPress have auto-save? They were so proud of their new ajax-y interface, but really, it’s no more usable, and I would say less usable than it was before… :(

Posted in General | 4 Comments


  1. Rachel said on June 6, 2006 @ 5:12 pm:

    Maybe you should make the list on your blog then you can have a list a people can remind you! And you can still have the fun of writting on your blog. Also as you do the things you can write in your blog that you have done them…. see all the new posts I have created for you.

  2. Thomas said on June 7, 2006 @ 12:42 am:

    Oh, I bet I know what it was. The Shane and Shane concert is on Friday and I find it very likely that I’ll forget. Also I was meaning to buy tickets beforehand… I’ll try to remember to do that. I should put it in my phone or send myself an email…

  3. bigbrother0074 said on June 7, 2006 @ 9:56 am:

    remember to buy shane and shane tickets.

    there, i hope that helps.

  4. amy said on June 7, 2006 @ 9:13 pm:

    thanks for the birthday wishes, thomas. =)

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