Being Ignored

Posted by Thomas Tue, 05 Dec 2006 00:50:42 +0000

I really hate being ignored. The frequency with which I feel this is quite small, but potent when it does occur (hence this post). And indeed more often than not, I am quite content to be ignored. But there are those times, when someone asks something of you and asks that it be done in an expeditious manner and then promptly ignores you, like it’s not really all that important (of course I never do that myself…). Those are the times that irk me the most. I’d like to believe that I’m a pretty low maintenance guy and that my friends don’t have to dote over me nor pay me much attention. Hopefully they acknowledge my existence, which usually of itself is enough. So, please, if you ask something of me, and I follow up with some sort of quandary in response to your request, be quick to respond, lest I think you don’t care that much for what you asked. Man, I just hate it when I ask a simple and reasonable question and get no love… I really hope I don’t do that.

Posted in General | 1 Comment


  1. bigbrother0074 said on December 5, 2006 @ 3:53 am:

    i really hope this doesn’t have to do with me asking you questions about that laptop! thomas, you know i’ve got nothing but love for you!!!

    plus, i really wish you could be here tonight to celebrate our ‘celebration’ (the thing i told you about… remember?). Role will be coming over too, but can you just fly in? i guess i can settle for you flying in for the more important part of this thing later down the road…

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